About ToT

What is this website?

Think of it as the personal blog of the YouTube show “This Old Tech” hosted by Daniel Deyette. Sometimes it’s a look back through history. Other times it’s a personal tech update or a how to. It’s whatever I feel like covering, but I do hope you find some value.


The goal is to bring more of that old stuff online so when people like me search for it – they find answers.

They are then able to either appreciate, use or bring new life to something old.

That’s the entire purpose of This Old Tech…. lovingly named after a show I used to watch on TV when I was a kid. Bob Vila’s “This Old House”. I loved how he would essentially breathe new life into older homes that many would bulldoze. Same thing here.

Older technology serves a greater purpose. Sometimes it’s the nostaliga of what you had years ago yourself. Other times it’s just learning what has gone before us… and basking in the glory of old MFM/RLL drive sounds, bios beeps and interesting graphics cards. Whatever your fancy is, no matter. Hopefully something useful shows up here.